Wednesday, August 19, 2009

long time, no blog

alhumdullilah, i am well. been enjoying my summer, haven't been homeschoolin, just been as lazy as my life will allow, lol. suprisingly the boys and i haven't really done much this summer and its about to end. i feel a little bad about that esp. since school is about to begin and i kno we won't have nearly as much time to do go out & have fun things. But i have promised myself that this semester of school i will be incorporating more hands on, fun time in their curriculum and also i'd like to take them on bi-weekly trips to a museum or even our main library which is HUGE. the children's section is so nice, masha'Allah, i kno the kids will love it. So insha'Allah I look forward to makin those few adjustments regarding homeschoolin, may Allah make it easy for us, aameen.

I also wanna improve myself as well. Alhumdullilah Ramadhaan will be here soon, insha'Allah, what a perfect time for change (good change & continuous, insha'Allah). I'd like to be more content with what Allah has decreed for me by complaining less and being thankful more. there are a few other areas, i'd like to improve in but for now i'm focusing on this particular area. So insha'Allah all is well with my Muslimah's around the globe. i make dua for us all the time and will continue to insha'Allah. May Allah make us successful in this life & bless with the highest level of Jannah in the next, aameen. love u!