Thursday, March 22, 2007

I'm back.....for now anyway......

As-salaamu Alaykum. So much to say, so little time, masha-Allah. I've been busy as usual and for a while the server was giving me problems when trying to sign in and as the inconsistent blogger that I am that just made matters worst ;) But alhumdullilah, the boys are all doing well, masha-Allah.

I've been doing okay, too. I haven't really been socializing much, though. It seems as the days go on I become more and more secluded from the outside world. My trust is diminishing and at times I feel bad because I would rather stay home with my family than go to the pamper parties, or the masjid for class, or a wahlimah's, etc. Not because I don't like those type of things, I'm just really hesitant about being around other sisters even if they're Muslim. I used to love to meet new Muslim sisters and I still do just not as much. I ask Allah to soften my heart and to forgive me for not being trusting of my fellow Muslim sisters and to increase the sisterhood, AAMEEN. None of us are perfect and we all have issues and it's up to us to help each other achieve success in this life as well as the next. May Allah make us successful, AAMEEN.

On a higher note I've been enjoying my busy days in the house with my boys, there's not an uneventful moment, ever. Or at least that's what it seems like. Even at night when all is resting, just thinking about them makes me tired.


P.S. I miss you all, I really do. Ok, I'll admit, I can be a liitle lazy, but I'm working on it. Once again forgive me for leaving without notice. I'll try my best to stay afloat.

Abu Hurayrah (radiallahu 'anhu)narrated the Prophet (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) said ...........and piety is right here – and he pointed to his chest three times. It is enough evil for a person to hold his brother Muslim in contempt. The whole of a Muslim for another Muslim is sacred; his blood, his property and his honour.” (Muslim #2564)