Thursday, January 4, 2007

Keepin' busy

As-salaamu alaykum. How is everyone? Alhumdullilah, the boys and I are fine, just been crazy busy. Insha-Allah my husband will be home in a couple of days, so I've been preparing for his arrival. Can't wait, masha-Allah. I truly miss him and I am becoming more and more anxious as the days go buy. May Allah bless him with a safe, successful trip home, AAMEEN. While I've been busy, I have not forgotten about my fellow sisters in Islam an have therefore kept you all in my duas and will continue to insha-Allah. Luv u. Insha-Allah, I'll be back soon.

Random ayaat from the Quraan: "And My Mercy embraces all things." (7:156)

1 comment:

Khala Aishah said...

Aww, masha'Allah we miss you too and Barak Allahu fiqi for your dua'a. Happy home coming.