Saturday, December 23, 2006

What a Day!

Well, I can definitely say that my appreciation for my husband has been increasing. These last couple of days have been really busy, masha-Allah. I am doing alot I'm not used to doing. I haven't payed bills and did the shopping on my own in a while. My husband usually accompanies me or does things himself while I handle the children. Its alot, masha-Allah but alhumdullilah this is good practice for me just in case Allah ever tests me with the extra responsibility.

So, today was another day where everything was non-stop. I had to stop at two banks , the check cashing place, the supermarket, walmart, picked up phones cards from a different palce, etc.. In the midst of it all, I locked the keys in the van. Now I'm irritated and frustrated. I had been in and out of my van about six or seven times already and when I get out to drop my 4 yr. old off at my mother's I locked the keys in the van and didn't realize it until I was on my way back out after praying and feeding the baby. Okay, so the keys are in the ignition locked in the van. What am I going to do, aaaahhh! So, I called my companion who I was supposed to be taking to walmart with me, her and her children. She tells me that it was the qadr and to calm down, and alhumdullilah her words truly helped. I was instantly calm, masha-Allah. So my sister and I rounded up a few tools; a couple of hangers, some hair pins, a nail clipper and a butter knife. and ready to do some damage (lol). Well actually she gathered them while I just stood thinking and pondering on how the heck I was going to explain this to my husband..........I wasn't! I had no phone, phonecard or money, everything was in the van. Anyways, while we are trying to get the door opened, this nice fellow rides pass us and then reverses back and asks,

"Are you locked out?". In which I quickly replied ,


" I'll do it for you for ten dollars." he said. And he did, wal alhumdullilah I gave him twelve dollars and thanked him. Subhan-Allah it took him less than five minutes and there was no damage done to the van, masha-Allah. I was so thankful and happy. I wanted to jump up and give him a big hug and kiss, but then I would be taking it to far. So instead I made dua to Allah that he be guided to the sirautal mustai'keen. That would be better for him.

So there it is, one of my days out and about. WHEW(sigh),wal alhumdullilah for it all.


Safa said...

There's just an element of humour here....he asks...r u locked out? And you turn to him with an unravelled coat hanger, butter knife and nail clippers.......and say....??? Of COURSE I'M LOCKED OUT! I always just stand by the van door like this! LOLOL!!

How did he open it? And subhanAllah, just as Allah made you lock urself out....he sent u ur ease.....Allahu Akbar!

NiqaabiQueen said...

I'm glad you asked Safa because I wanted to mention it in my post but I was being "type" lazy. You will never believe how he did it. He had that thing that the nurses aid uses to take your blood pressure. The one where they wrap the wide velcro strap around your arm and pump until your arm stops breathing. While the part that goes around your arm is really flat he kinda slipped it in between and the door frame of the drivers side window and then tightened the little knob that's next to the bulb. He then began to pump away. As he pumped the strap of the blood pressure instrument began to puff up and as it puffed up it plyed my window away from the frame at the same time. It was amazing! He did this just enough to put this little self made gadget thingy (that had a sort of hook at the end of it) inside the space he made and hooked the inside lock, gave one small lift and my door was unlocked, wal alhumdullilah.

I've never seen anything like it before. I wonder what he thought of our tools? He probably was as amazed as we were;-) I think I will be investing in a few new tools of my own, but I'll have to store them somewhere else besides the van ;-)

Safa said...

Oh that's totally unbelievable. Imagination, eh? SubhanAllah.....I have a Brother in law, who is extremely handy.....and if you saw his own "tools" you'd be just as in awe of him as I am. Masha Allah!

But the blood pressure cuff and a homemade hook? Definately got his 10 bucks worth! (too bad, cuz you probably woulda paid $30!)

Anonymous said...

You know what is even more humerous is that I read on another blog tonite about a girl losing her keys and her car door was damaged from all the poking and

Safa said...

Darn, eh?

mommamu said...

wow-that was nothing but Allah (swt) sis. I love how he reminds us that he is always looking out for us!

NiqaabiQueen said...

naam, me too! :D