Wednesday, February 25, 2009

what shall i get????

alhumdullilah, masha'Allah, I have a cowife now. I have not met her in person just yet but we do exchange brief emails and chat online from time to time. My husband will be leaving soon for about a week 1/2 to visit insha'Allah. i'm not sure if she'll beable to fly bac with him as there is plenty of paper work to sort out, may Allah make it easy on them, aameen. I am kinda anxious and extremely nervous for when we do meet. even though i've been in polygny before, i still don't know what to expect, i just pray to Allah that everything is what it seems to be. just like everything in life, i have to put my trust in Allah pray for the best, right.

But aside from that, i wanted to pick up something for her (co-wifey), for husband to take to her when he leaves???? i do kno that she likes makeup just as i do, so I was thinkin about getting her some???? Still not sure where from though??? i wanna get her something that isn't easily accessible in her country, which is Morocco. i don't want to ask becuz i want it to be a surprise. Maybe i'll just email her and ask if there are any products shes been wanting to try from here that she can't get there and see what she says????? but besides make-up, i wanna get her a really good book regarding women and the huge role we play in Islam. there are a few titles i have in mind, will think about that too. anywho, we'll see what I come up with?????


PM said...

I hope this works out well for you and wish you the best, insha'Allah.


NiqaabiQueen said...

naam, insha'Allah. Please keep my fam & I in your duas. Thanks so much, sweet sister. :-)