Sunday, April 5, 2009

Not a blogger

I am not a boring person but for some reason i cant seem to get a post in to save my life, lol. I have so much on my mind all the time, so much going on in my life but i never seem to blog about it????maybe its bcuz i get more outta reading others' thoughts rather than rambling on about my own. I do kno that i don't like to write about negative thoughts bcuz its kinda like complaining and thats one of my goals, to complain less and to be thankful more. ok so i just got an idea; everyday, no every couple of days, i'll blog about something im thankful for, it may be one thing or it may be more than one, but at least one thing. Hopefully i'll get around to doing it daily :-) so starting today. hhhhhmmmmmmm.......... i am thankful for the laptop my husband has given me, as i am using it right now to type. I must say that without my laptop, i'd still be blessed but lost at the same time, not as lost as i'd be without other things and people, but yea it'd be a huge loss, for me. i love my comp. ok so i feel like i have a ton of thing to write about now, but im saving the rest for later, insha'Allah.


Anonymous said...

I didn't know you were blogging again...because well I have not visited since apparently 2006 where your husband went on Hajj...its nice to see you back and I wish you luck Insha'Allah with the new co-wife

NiqaabiQueen said...

Salaam, sweety. Its good to hear from u! I'll have to stop by and see what you've been up to. Yea i'm a unique blogger, u kno the kind that doesn't blog, lol. But thanx for droppin by :-)